Announcement by Gérald Darmanin (French interior minister) of the dissolution of two organisations supporting Palestinians: Call for mobilization and resistance.

The French interior
minister announced on thursday 24 February, the same day of the annual dinner
of the Representative Council of French Jewish Institutions, his
intention to dissolve in Zionism’s acid two organisation of solidarity with
Palestine, the Comité action Palestine (Palestine Action Committee – Bordeaux)
and Palestine vaincra (Palestine Will Win – Toulouse).

According to press
reports, the minister pretends that Palestine Action Committee asserts « in its
charter, its support to all organisation struggling against Israel, including
when using violence and terrorist methods ». However, this is factually wrong. The
Palestine Action Committee’s charter calls for « unconditional support for
Palestinian people and its struggle for self-determination and national
independence. Nowhere does it mention the « violence » or the « terrorist
methods ».

Contrary to
minister’s blatant lies, the charter engages « not to take a position in favour
of this or that form of struggle » in accordance with the principles of sovereignty.
The principle of sovereignty is valid anywhere and at anytime, but the
government manipulates it according to circumstances. In Africa and Palestine,
the peoples are not allowed to resist as they wish but in Ukraine the French
government legitimizes the use of armed violence. Variable geometry position
determined by France’s immediate and strategic interests.

A law
criminalizing solidarity with the Palestinian people has been a long-cherished
desire of the Representative Council of French Jewish Institutions. With
the dissolution of Palestine Action Committee, the government de facto criminalizes
anti-zionist fight and offers on a platter the head of palestinian solidarity
associations to the Israeli Officine.

Comité Action
Palestine considers that the struggle enters in a new phase and calls to all anti-Zionists
organizations to take action against the reactionary and draconian offensive of
the French government.

An association
can be dissolved but you can’t dissolve the truth and the aspiration for
justice, and even less the willingness that animate militantism in favor of
Palestine, of the entire Palestine.

Palestine will
live! Palestine will win!

Comité Action Palestine, 02-25-2022